Would you like to know how we prescribe Vedic astrological gemstones? Here is an example on how we would determine Vedic astrological gemstones for former President Clinton through Vedic science.
![President William J. Clinton](https://yoggem.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Bill_Clinton-230x300.jpg)
Mr. Clinton's ascendant is his first house. This house is ruled by the Hasta (delta corvi) constellation. Mr. Clinton can benefit from wearing a 6 carat emerald, 5 carat blue sapphire, 1 carat diamond, and a 30 carat Moonstone pendent. For details on specific benefits and advantages that he will experience after wearing these gemstone, please scroll down.Apart from this kind of gemstone rectification, there is a remedy focused on the problem at hand and the astrological house it relates to For instance, suppose there is a marriage problem. We would prescribe gemstones that influence the specific house related to that problem. The same would apply for a child that experiences difficulty in improving grades or health. There are gemstones that can be worn to improve your career and financial stability. Please note that the strength and speed of results will depend on the planetary configurations in each individual's horoscope at birth as well as at the time of gemstone application. For example, one inch of rain will give lots of nutrition for a small plant. Lots of rain for a small plant will not be beneficial. However, for a large plant, more rain may be required. Here the moral is that the action is one - having rain, but the reaction varies based on the individual's capacity.
The Second House :
fundamentally signifies face, family, wealth, domestic happiness, eyes, speech, thoughts, prosperity, memory, pleasure, loss or gain, food, ear, learning, intelligence, cunning, savings, anger, pecuniary affairs, personal property (i.e., of exclusive use-'to one's own self), fortunes, relations, fixed temperament, jewels, inauguration, metals, observation, right eye, persons under protection, tongue, nails, silver, gold, precious gems, passion, modesty, miserliness, comfort and taste, financial position, in-laws.
The Third House :
fundamentally signifies courage, brothers, besides anger, ears, neck, meals, skill, patience, sisters, friends, neighbors, travels, cousins, ornaments, improvement, enterprise, clothing, steadiness, war, difficulty in getting food, power, instruction, help, medicine, right arm, voice, servants, subordinates, power of hearing, diseases in the ear, gold and silver vessels, heroic deeds, capacity, ability, courage, battle, meekness, skill and longevity of life, speech, writing, correspondence, family.
The Fourth House :
fundamentally signifies Mother, land, louses, education, relations, happiness, conveyance besides tanks, wells, cows, cattle, gardens, agriculture, comfort, lineage, residence, inheritance, water, travels, milk, palace, clothes, falsehood, true words, distant relatives, property, fields, benevolence, art, stores, fort, mandap, flower gardens, heart, friends, things in the bottom, nectar, mental qualities, the end of life and the end of things, reputation, popularity, love of work, scents, perspiration, oil bath, ornaments.
The Fifth House :
fundamentally signifies sons, daughters, intellect, creative intelligence, Poorva Punya, i.e., the Karma of a previous birth besides mantras, success in speculation, lottery and gambling, pleasures, enterprise, investments, mind, discrimination, reasoning, father, honor, religion, precepts, joy, worship of household deities, modesty, belly, stomach, charity, hearing, feeding, merry making, drinking, eating, firm disposition, inheritance, father's generosity, genealogy, minister ship, advice, skill, care and caution, memory, secrecy, pride, good conduct, cooking, bathing and physical pleasures, love affairs.
The Sixth House :
fundamentally signifies enemies, disease, debts, imprisonment besides relations, servant,, inferiors, small pets, wounds, troubles; obstacles, difficulty in getting food, sorrow, misery, poverty, maternal relations, f mar, boils, stepĀmother, fear of shame, good food, theft, superstition, injuries by weapons, cousins from paternal side, calamities through women, intimidation, vengeance, had habits and diabetes, recovery from illness, benefit through servants.
The Seventh House :
fundamentally signifies marriage, description of wife or husband, besides generosity, respect, lust, partnership, enjoyment, lawsuits, adultery, death, public enemies, holy places, speculation, love affairs, desires, immorality, sunset, trade, forgetfulness, voyage, loss in livelihood or occupation, dealings with women, love of betel, opponents, public affairs, obstacles to traveling, losing the way, private parts, sexual conduct, marital discord, music, dance, patronage from ruling circles, duration of wife's life, freedom, character, daily earnings, litigation.
The Eighth House :
fundamentally signifies lit- (longevity), sin, sorrow, hell, rebirth besides legacies, personal property of marriage partner, nature of death, happiness in food, venereal diseases, trouble, dowry, suddenly acquired wealth, lotteries, loss, occultism, danger, chronic diseases, obstacles, uneasiness, loss of money, loss of limb, enmity, cruelty, dwelling houses as opposed to agricultural lands and hidden wealth, legacies and windfalls, gains through insurance and strangers, sexual organs.
The Ninth House :
fundamentally signifies Guru, Father, virtuous deeds, dharma, prosperity, tapasaya besides faith, medicine, kindness, benevolence, bathing in holy rivers, morality, purity of mind, honor, credit, ceremonies, father's possession, luck and spiritual learning, good company, good conduct, fame, public beneficence, meritorious acts, wealth, irrigation, fertile fields and desires, happiness which wealth can buy, divine favors, brother and sister-in-law, grand-children, future; in short, general welfare, long journeys, foreign travels, study of philosophy &art, religious and legal affairs, intuition and interest in occult.
The Tenth House :
fundamentally signifies profession, karma, living, kingdom, authority besides fame, trade, clothes, employment, honor, credit, reputation, activity, charity, meals, deeds, persons in power and authority, cultivation, medicine, loss of honor, punishment, prices, treasure, titles, preferment, business and success, gifts, presents, athletes, pride, public good, mercy, wisdom, mendicancy, fortitude, worship, concentration, living in foreign lands and countries, knowledge, rank and status, treasure-trove, adopted son, mother- in-law, service, renunciation and spiritual acts, profession, success in life, honor, position, prestige, promotion for those in services, moral standards, long distance journeys.
The Eleventh House :
fundamentally signifies Gains, Profits, Earnings by self, elder brother besides friends, hopes, wishes, mother's prosperity, sisters, miserliness, income, cooking, left ear, slandering, acquisitions, legs, worship, son-in-law, paternal uncle, patrimony, dependence, insight, vehicles, power of overwhelming, obstacles, loss of wealth, total income, clothes, friends and l business partner
The Twelth House :
fundamentally signifies losses, expenditure and Moksha besides bad deeds, travels, secret, enemies, sorrow, imprisonment, sin, spending, giving physical troubles, difficulties, defamation, mental anxiety, misfortunes, loss of sleep, misery, dignity, deep occultism, sacrifice, left eye, prosperity in profession, self-destination, tribulation, affliction, defect in organs, derangement of brain or mind, sale of carriages and houses, distress, back-biters, assassination, treason, suicide, journey, settling abroad, disputes, waste of money, adultery, bed comforts, and luxuries generosity and real happiness, gains through adversaries, gains through religious, charitable and public institutions.