Gem Stone
This is a Sanskrit verse that was written 8,000 years ago. The expanded translation states, "Whatever is inside you is outside you. Whatever is outside you is within you." This means that the air, water, fire, earth, and cosmic energy outside you is within you. No scientist, atheist, or cynic will deny that he is made out of 75% water, he needs air every second, he needs to maintain a body temperature of 98.6° Fahrenheit, and he needs food from the Earth to survive.
This food comes from the upper layer of the Earth. If we go further down into the Earth, you will find the roots which help us to survive. If we go down further into the Earth, then we discover the minerals which we need to survive. The most essential element of the above mentioned breakdown of the Earth is the concentrated form of energy or as is known by Vedic science, the essence of Earth...or gemstones.The right proportions of food, air, water, and heat give us life and energy. Similarly, the right gemstones will provide a harmonious and more improved life. You may say that you don't eat gemstones but you do eat food. Gemstones work the same way that lightening effects you, or how the Sun ray's give you Vitamin D, or how the sound of soothing music relaxes you. The aroma of onions will make you cry even though you don't touch them. Gemstone energy works on your mind. When the mind is balanced, you will make less mistakes and you will have more time, money, and energy to construct a better future.

You may still argue as to how a piece of rock will help you. Take for example a knife made out of iron. However, when the doctor uses the knife with the right knowledge, that piece of iron becomes a life saving tool. Vedic Astrological Science is based on the physics of Nature and the chemistry of the Earth. Combining the five basic elements: Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and Cosmic Energy, you conclude at Vedic astrological gemstones. The more you harmonize with these energies, the better conductivity of success will develop within you and around you. Nature provides these elements, without which you cannot exist. Therefore Nature controls your every second. Furthermore, Nature inspires the mind, which in turn influences the body to act positively or negatively according to the harmony of cosmic energy and environment. Remember, we generate the right prescription based upon your own very unique birth place, date, and time of birth.
Nature will not come knocking on your door to help you. You must take advantage of this light and put it to work for a better future.
Please Note Vedic Gemstones also known as Jyotish Gemstones, Astrological Gemstones, Healing Gemstones, Holistic Gems, Navratna, Jyotish Gems, Planetary Gems, Birthstones.
By wearing properly prescribed gemstones under proper supervision, you can benefit from the natural healing characteristics of Vedic astrological gemstones. We do not recommend these Vedic astrological gemstones to be applied in lieu of necessary medical attention. By no means is this information a self-help panacea. However, we do recommend the application of Vedic astrological gemstones in efforts to reduce discomfort in a natural and time-demanding situation. One must remember that we are not qualified medical experts.
However, we have empirical evidence that utilizes the examination of your horoscope and family background for a prescription. Our 'dosages' are monitored and are based on the size and type of gemstones.The ancient scientific scriptures consistently mention the relationship between color, planets, and gemstones. With the almost sacred color stratification, ROYGBIV (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet), we see the correlation perfectly. The cosmic rays that manifest themselves in various wavelengths (colors) have unique affects on the health of our mind and body. The purest of the ROYGBIV rays resides concentrated in precious gems, and so, the gems are of great curative value.
Elemental Composition of the Human Body
Diplomat, American Board of Pathology Posted St. Valentine's Day, 2000
What we are trying to illustrate here are the fundamentals of our human existence. If we were to mix the below mentioned amounts of elements into a doll, then would the doll come to life? Of course not! Then you must know that something else is affecting us, namely, prana (cosmic energy).
The table below gives the amount of each chemical element found in the human body, from most to least abundant. For each element, there is the amount in mass units in an average (70-kilogram) person, the volume of the element, and the length of the side of a cube that would contain that amount of the pure element. Volumes of solid and liquid elements are based on density at or near room temperature (where available). For the gaseous elements (oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, chlorine, and fluorine), I chose to use the density of each in the liquid state at the respective boiling point.
Raw data from which this table was made are from Emsley, John, The Elements, 3rd ed., Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1998. This is a great trove of information, which I highly recommend for anyone wishing to learn more about the elements.
Oxygen is the most abundant element in the earth's crust and in the body. The body's 43 kilograms of oxygen is found mostly as a component of water, which makes up 70% of total body weight. Oxygen is also an integral component of all proteins, nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), carbohydrates, and fats.
Rubidium is the most abundant element in the body (0.68 g) that has no known biological role (silicon, which is slightly more abundant, may or may not have a metabolic function).
Vanadium is the body's least abundant element (0.11 mg) that has a known biologic role, followed by cobalt (3 mg), the latter being a constituent of vitamin B12.
The last of the body's elements to be discovered was fluorine, by Moissan in 1886.
By wearing properly prescribed gemstones under proper supervision, you can benefit from the natural healing characteristics of Vedic astrological gemstones. We do not recommend these Vedic astrological gemstones to be applied in lieu of necessary medical attention. By no means is this information a self-help panacea. However, we do recommend the application of Vedic astrological gemstones in efforts to reduce discomfort in a natural and time-demanding situation. One must remember that we are not qualified medical experts.
However, we have empirical evidence that utilizes the examination of your horoscope and family background for a prescription. Our 'dosages' are monitored and are based on the size and type of gemstones.The ancient scientific scriptures consistently mention the relationship between color, planets, and gemstones. With the almost sacred color stratification, ROYGBIV (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet), we see the correlation perfectly. The cosmic rays that manifest themselves in various wavelengths (colors) have unique affects on the health of our mind and body. The purest of the ROYGBIV rays resides concentrated in precious gems, and so, the gems are of great curative value.
Cosmic ray effects on gemstones
• Ruby
It acts as an antenna towards red cosmic rays. The ruby is ruled by our Sun. It can help cure leprosy, ulcers, fevers, hear and bone troubles. It warns people from many dangers. It increases dignity, respect, honor, and ensures a high status in life.

Ruby is red corundum, all other color varieties of corundum being referred to as sapphire. The ruby color range includes pinkish, purplish, orangey, and brownish red depending on the chromium and iron content of the stone. The trace mineral content tends to vary with the geologic formation which produced the ruby, so original place designations such as Burmese and Thai have come in later years to be sometimes used in describing color.
Most authorities expect a medium to medium dark color tone in a ruby, naming stones lighter than this, pink sapphire -- but there is no general agreement exactly where the line is to be drawn. The old joke about questionable stones goes: "Whether it's a ruby or a pink sapphire depends on whether you're the buyer or the seller."
All corundum gems including ruby have a long history of enhancement. Unless the seller specifically states the stone is unheated, you should assume that some kind of heat treatment has been used. Usually high temperature heating and controlled cooling is done to clarify the stones, especially by dissolving "silk" (rutile); but it can also improve tone and saturation of color. Such treatments can only be detected in stones whose residual inclusions show signs of heat stress; truly clean stones will give no clues and cannot be verified as natural color. The general view at present seems to be that simple heating, being indistinguishable from Nature's own heating processes, and stable, is acceptable -- as long as it is disclosed. For this reason such enhancement does not radically lower the value of ruby gems. Not so for other more recently invented treatments such as diffusion coloring, or polymer or glass filling.
Corundum was first synthesized in the early 1900's by a simple flame fusion process. Many jewelers and gemologists have had the unpleasant task of telling the proud heir that Grandmother's treasured ruby ring or brooch contains a flame fusion stone and has a lot more sentimental than commercial value. More complex synthesis processes have been developed in recent years. These so closely simulate natural formation conditions that colors and even inclusions look extremely natural and such stones are difficult for all but the most highly skilled professionals to identify as man-made.
Ruby is hard (9) and tough, making it a superb jewelry stone. (Of course, a heavily included or fractured stone will be less stable.) For reasonably clean stones, no special wear or care precautions are necessary. Ruby shows pleochroism which means that the color varies with the direction of viewing. Most stones show purplish red and orangey red, although the presence or absence of trace minerals can dampen either of these. The overall color can often, but not always, give a clue to a stone's geographic origin, with Burmese stones tending to purplish red colors and Thai stones appearing more brownish red. In addition, many rubies will fluoresce in long or short wave UV and this property can often be used to help identify a stone's geographic origin. Burmese rubies often fluoresce so strongly that the effect is noticeable even in sunlight, such stones seem literally to glow, and are greatly admired. Thai stones generally lack this property. Although Asia has historically been the major producer of ruby gems, there are many other sources including the USA, Australia, and most recently Africa.
Ruby rough of lower quality is used in great quantities to make beads, carvings, and other ornamental objects. The silk, which is so common in corundum, can, if sufficiently abundant, and precisely arranged, lead to asterism. With proper cutting, this creates star rubies. Today there are heating and diffusion processes that can increase the rutile content and improve such gems. Synthetic star corundums were very popular in the 1950's under the trade name "Linde Stars" and are still under production.
Few other gems have as much myth, lore and romance surrounding them, with one of the chief attractions being the protection from misfortune and bad health rubies were believed to afford their lucky owners. As the science of gemology developed it became known that many historically important "rubies" such as the famed Black Prince's Ruby of the British Crown Jewels, were actually other red gems, most often red spinels.
Rubies are the most valuable members of the corundum family. Large gem quality rubies can be more valuable than comparably sized diamonds and are certainly rarer. There is a relative abundance of smaller, (1-3 carat,) blue sapphires compared to the scarcity of even small gem quality rubies, making even these smaller stones relatively high in value.
Stones of Burmese origin generally command the highest prices. The vast majority of rubies are "native cut" in the country of origin. High value ruby rough is tightly controlled and rarely makes its way to custom cutters. Occasionally, such native stones are recut to custom proportions, albeit at a loss of weight and diameter. Custom cut and recut stones are usually more per carat, and my own bias is that they are worth it.
Sinkankas and Miller in the Standard Catalog of Gem Values, 2nd. Ed. list a wide range of wholesale prices for faceted gem rubies. Prices are dependent on origin, color, size, and clarity: from a low of $100 to $15,000/ ct maximum.
Burmese stones in 1/2 to 1 ct sizes with slightly purplish red color and light inclusions range from $300 to $3000/ ct, for example. The price survey done by the International Gem Society reports that clean, top color gems in the 1/2 to 1 ct size range are being sold, retail, on the Internet with a range of $1000 - $3000/ct.
Facts about Rubies
1.757 - 1.779
3.99 - 4.0
Heat treated. Common. Fractures filled, occasional.
More color and elementary relevance
The five Mahabhutas or Great Elements-
The five great elements are Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. They are associated with cosmic colors : blue rays with ether, violet with air, red and yellow with fire, orange and indigo with water and green with earth.
The five Tanmatras-The five Tanmatras and hence their respective organs have their links with the cosmic rays :
Smell (nose) with green, touch (skin) with violet, taste (tongue) with orange, sight (eyes) with red, and sound (ears) with blue.
The Tridosba- The color associations with Tridosha are:
Blue and violet with vayu, red and yellow with pitta, and indigo and green with kapha. These three are respectively the forces of harmony, energy and inertia residing inherently in every living cell of the human as well as other bodies. Indigo and green are positive forces, red and yellow are negative, and blue and violet are neutral.
In fact, every creation is of the ROYGBIV rays and is enveloped by them. There is not a pin point of space in the Universe which is not occupied by these powerful rays. These rays are continuously and constantly surrounding every creation every moment of time throughout its existence.